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Macro Nutrients Important for Plant Growth

ZonaOrganik.Com - Macro Nutrients Important for Plant Growth - Macro Nutrients - Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Calsium are the three main elements in the life of the plant.


Nitrogen belong to the macro nutrients. Nitrogen is taken in the form of nitrate (NO3) or ammonium (NH4 +). Nitrogen is used in the synthesis of amino acid plants, which are the basic ingredients of protein formation.

The main source of nitrogen is nitrogen-free (N2) in the atmosphere, and other sources of nitrogen compounds that are stored in the body's body. Nitrogen is very rarely found to be the component pelicans because their behaviour soluble in water. Nitrogen behaviour is what makes nitrogen deposits are relatively commonly found in dry climates and even then limited locally.

The nitrogen content of plants an average of about 2 to 4% or sometimes can reach 6%. Protoplasm living organisms also contain protein. Nitrogen is also required to plant some vital components such as chlorophyll, nucleic acids and enzymes. Nitrogen deficiency would limit the enlargement and cell division.

Symptoms of deficiency such as yellow stunted plants that will be seen, especially in the older plants.

Macro Nutrients Important for Plant Growth

Here are some symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in plants, namely:
  1. slow growth
  2. yellow leaves (kllorosis)
  3. necrosis of leaf tips,
Nitrogen is an element in the car plant, which elements can be moved from the old network to the young. Nitrogen can be lost to the atmosphere through denitrification or by volatilization of ammonia nitrate.

Nitrogen compounds that are tied to the bodies involved in the life and physiological activity, nitrogen is returned into circulation after experiencing mineralization.

N-decomposition of complex compounds into simple inorganic compounds N-making it possible to use again in the assimilation of the bodies takes place in several stages involving the role of various kinds of decomposing bodies.

The energy released from the above changes will be used by the various bodies of the land was to perform activities including making changes to the next stage of N compounds. The process of change in the form of N-organic complex compounds into simpler compounds Norganik (amino acids) called amination.

Amino acids formed by amination will continue to be degraded and exploited attacked by microorganisms until eventually will form amonim called amonifikasi. N-ammonium amonifikasi results will be used by microorganisms soil, absorbed by plants, or tethered by clay.

The next stage is the change in N-ammonium compound into a compound nitrite (nitrification). Nitrification is an enzymatic oxidation process by a group of microorganisms and takes place in two stages coordinated.

Each stage by a group of types of microorganisms, which is different from keompok microorganisms bekrja at a later stage.

Nitrate leaching, especially on sandy soils lead to a lack of N from the root zone of plants.


Phosphorus belong to the macro nutrients. Phosphorus is taken the plant in the form of H2PO4 and HPO4 = dependent on soil pH.

Phosphorus is an element that is very unstable because of its availability is affected by pH.

Natural phosphorus entering the ground system through destruction and decomposition are running slow because of the low solubility. Although the release of P from insoluble forms of phosphate rock and other forms very slowly, but the dose of P who transported the water of the river and deposited in a very large ocean.

It is estimated that approximately 3.5.juta tonnes P per year is transported and deposited in the sea as Kalsiumposfat soluble. Only a small proportion of P are returned to the soil through bird guano produced by sea and by Manusa through the fish they consume.

Description of P-nature results in the form of phosphate compounds that are in sisitem soil with different levels of solubility. This form of phosphate will be consumed the bodies of living, sequestered clay soil, organic matter, cation Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, and other cations.

Phosphate consumed will be involved in the synthesis of protoplasm and re-entering the ground sisitem after parsed by bakteriposfat.

At low pH phosphorus fixed by aluminum ions at high pH sedangan fixed by iron (Fe). Therefore, the availability of P always be a limiting factor for tropical rain forest areas.

Some of the factors that play a role in controlling phosphorus nutrient availability are:
  1. fertilization P
  2. weathering material containing P
  3. root uptake
  4. microorganisms
  5. sorption and leaching
P deficiency symptoms in plants have the following characteristics:
  1. Slow growth
  2. yellowing of the leaves (especially on older leaves)
  3. The leaves are dark green
  4. Guguir leaves
  5. Fruitful bit and seed development is hampered.

Potassium is taken the plant in the form of inon K. Ion is not synthesized into specific components. Soil may contain approximately 900-1400 pounds per 1 m3 of soil, but 90-98% is concentrated in the mineral potassium primary and unavailable to plants.

The main source of K derived from the weathering of minerals containing potassium K. soil can be found in the three possibilities, namely:
  1. chemically bound in the primary mineral soil.
  2. can be exchanged or adsorbed
  3. in the soil solution
Generally, the clay content soils tend to contain a relatively high potassium as well, compared to sandy soil and organic.

Only about 1-10% of the total potassium contained in the soil can be taken plants, and only 1 to 2% of that contained in the soil which can be exchanged.

Potassium is an important part of tranlokasi sugar and starch formation. Potassium content of the neighboring cells also play a role in regulating the opening and closing of stomata.

Growth, expansion and resistance to disease is also influenced by the availability of enough of this nutrient. An increase in the size and quality of fruits, nuts, and vegetables are also influenced by the availability of enough of these elements.

Crop potatoes, sugar beets, or carrots need a large enough potassium to help the accumulation of carbohydrates and assimilates translocation out of leaves.

Vegetative growth in vegetable crops such as asparagus and cabbage also require large amounts of potassium.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in plants is characterized by:
  1. Slow growth
  2. The tip of leaf necrosis which began on young leaves.
  3. The weak stems
  4. tiny little pieces
Although potassium is important for all plants of high and low levels but this nutrient is not a constituent part of the plant body. Potassium does not form a ligand (complex organic molecules) which mainly serves as an activator for an enzyme or cofactor of approximately 46 enzymes. Potassium is stored in large quantities in the vacuole.

Potassium also helps maintain berperam in osmotic potential and water uptake, and the positive effect on stomata closure. K contains enough plant just a little experience water shortages.

Potassium also serves to balance the charges of anions and affect the absorption and transport. Some research shows that plants contain enough potassium may reduce outbreaks (eg Verticillium that cause wilt on cotton) and falling fall on the plants. It is known potassium play a role in photosynthesis because it directly increases the growth and leaf area index.

K critical levels in plant tissue is relatively high, usually around 1.0% or 4-fold higher than the critical point of phosphorus. Almost all potassium absorbed during vegetative growth only slightly transfered to fruit or seeds.

Plants also need calcium, magnesium, and sulphur for growth and development.


Calcium belong to the macro nutrients. Generally mineral soils contain a lot of calcium, because minerals containing these elements in the earth's crust is pretty much eg: apatite (Ca3 (PO4), calcite (CaCO3), and dolomite (CaCO3, MgCO3).

Calcium is the most essential element does not move. Retrieval and transport occurs passively. Compared with other ions only slightly or no transport in the phloem.

Status of calcium in the soil associated with the effect of pH greater than the effect of its availability.

Calcium is taken the plant in the form of Ca ++ ions. This compound is an essential part of the cell wall. Calcium is stored in plant tissue and can not be diremobilisasi. Peanuts require high calcium for the development of the pods.

The application of these elements through the leaves is often used by farmers to reduce black spots on the fruits.

Calcium deficiency symptoms was first seen on young leaves, most of the leaves will change shape and undergo chlorosis, while the older organs are rarely observed symptoms of deficiency. These results show that calcium is not distributed to the younger ones.

Apples are deficient in calcium mushy fruit skin on some parts of the fruit and then rot. Therefore, if the growth of the fruit's nutrient deficiencies calcium fruit will rot.

In general, the characteristics of calcium deficiency symptoms are:
  1. Tip burn on young leaves
  2. The death of the growing point of the stem also root
  3. abnormal symptoms of the leaves (darker)
  4. Dead shoot
  5. Trunk weak
  6. Fruit rot

Magnesium mineral soil derived from the weathering of primary (ie biotite, serpentine, hornblende, dolomite, and olivine). As with other cations plants take magnesium in the form of Mg ++ ions.

Chlorophyll is a photosynthesis plant contains magnesium as its core. This element is a car and an activator of several enzymes. Intake of magnesium active and passive. Transport is particularly the case in tranpirasi flow.

Compared with calcium, magnesium hence more active, and of several studies it is known that these elements are abundant in the phloem vessels (active transport).

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
  1. Bone yellowing leaves on old leaves
  2. Curl the edges of the leaves
  3. Yellow leaves along the spine.


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