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Micro Nutrients Important for Plant Growth

ZonaOrganik.Com - Micro Nutrients Importance for Plant Growth - Micro Nutrients - Micronutrients plants need in small amounts. Which belong to the group of micronutrients is zinkum, iron, manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, chlorine and nickel.


Zinkum deficiency symptoms in plants:
1. The reduced growth, stems become shaped rosette
2. obstruction of fruit formation
3. Chlorosis at leaf intervenal
4. Dieback


Iron belong to the micro nutrients. Iron make up about 5% of the earth's crust and is commonly found in soil. Derived from primary iron mineral ferro-magnesium silicate. On soil drainage ugly form of reduced iron (ferrous = Fe 2+) increases, even to the level of toxic. This condition should be considered irrigation system in rice cultivation.

Iron plant taken in the form of ion Fe ++, and required for the formation of chlorophyll. Fe deficiency can occur in soil that has a high pH.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in plants elements are:
1. Chlorosis in interveinal
2. In some cases dead twigs

Symptoms of iron deficiency will cause yellowing leaves of the plant, because the failure to form grain green leaves.

Micro Nutrients Important for Plant Growth


Mangan also belong to the micro nutrients. Manganese is an activator of several enzymes, and also plays a role in the formation of chlorophyll. Manganese also activates indolasetat acid oxidase (IAA) in plant tissue such as Fe. Mn is also relatively immobile and especially young translocated to the network or meristimatik.

Cuprum nutrient deficiencies are:
1. stunted growth
2. die on top of the terminal
3. hypo pikmentasi
4. dead and curling at the ends of the leaves


Boron belong to the micro nutrients. Boron is found in soil at a very low level as boric acid (HBO3) and absorbed by soil particles as boric Taking B is estimated as boric acid is not dissosiation, seems mainly passively through the transpiration stream.


An activator of several enzymes, and plays an important role in the production of vitamin A.

Boron affect cell development and control of sugar transport and polysaccharide formation.

Other functions are always associated with the active site phosphorylation to inhibit the formation of starch which prevents the polymerization of sugar.

From some of the research is the element boron is not a car.

Symptoms of deficiency:
1. Death shoots
2. Chlorosis in leaves
3. The yellow spots on the fruit or tuber
4. The decline in flowering or pollination failure


Molibdenun absorbed by plants in the form of molybdate ion or MoO42-. These ions are used in the process of transformation of nitrogen compounds. Changes in nitrate nitrogen into amino acids carried by the enzyme nitrate reductase formation requires molybdenum.

High concentrations of this element in animal feed can cause livestock poisoning.

Molebdenum deficiency symptoms similar to the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency, it is because it serves as a nutrient molybdenum transfer/making compound N.

The failure of the formation of N compounds in plants that lack Mo, causing inhibition of vegetative growth of plants become stunted plants.

Symptoms of molybdenum deficiency are as follows:
  1. Stunted growth, the shortcomings plants always give an indication of a shortage of N, because this ion plays a role in the conversion process and the formation of compound N.
  2. Leaf rolling
  3. The death would be of interest
  4. Yellow spots on orange

Chlorine plant taken in the form of chloride ions (Cl ion). These ions are needed in photosynthesis reaction and setting the plant cell turgor potential.

Generally, symptoms of Cl deficiency is rare in plants, which are common symptoms of toxicity.


Nickel plant is absorbed in the form of divalent cations (Ni ++). Nickel is part of the enzyme urease, which plays a role in the conversion of ammonia urea plant tissues, hence these ions is needed in the process of nitrogen metabolism.

Nickel plants need relatively small amounts. Critical concentrations in plants around 0.1 ppm.

Symptoms of deficiency are:
  1. Chlorosis in young leaves
  2. The death of the growing point


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