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The First 50 Unique Facts about Chilli

ZonaOrganik.Com - The First 50 Unique Facts about Chilli - Chilli is the fruit of plants of the genus Capsicum. The fruit can be classified as a vegetable or a spice in cooking, depending on how it is used. As a cooking spice, spicy chilies are very popular in South-east Asia as a food flavour enhancer. For Padang food, chili regarded as the "staple food" to ten. Very difficult for Padang cuisine made without chili.

Chilli is the fruit of a very amazing. Behind spiciness, saved hundreds of unique facts that benefit from the content of chili on humans.

Antioxidants and vitamin C in peppers is very useful for humans. In addition to healthy, both substances are very tough to counteract the free radicals that are harmful to humans.

Here are the first 50 unique facts about chilli:

The First 50 Unique Facts about Chilli

  1. Medline Plus states that antioxidants and vitamin C are the two dominant substances that exist in chilli, green chilli particular.

  2. Cabe also efficacious to reduce blood clotting (thrombosis).

  3. Chilli became a symbol of the prosperity of Latin American society. Bouquet of dried chilies, commonly called Ristra, often laid at the door of the home or hung in the window of the house.

  4. Chilli price fluctuations occur in a matter of hours. This makes chili spur truck driver truck driver like an F1 car so fast chili up in the market.

  5. Capsaicin in chili or spicy substances used also to beautify and warm feather bird flu so it is not easy.

  6. Capsaicin chili or spicy substances in certain doses is believed to sharpen the tongue so that it becomes active birds chirping.

  7. Antioxidants and Vitamin C that exist in chili, useful for the formation of collagen substance bfungsi to accelerate the recovery of scars on porters.

  8. In addition, the antioxidant content of chili also strengthens the body's overall health and help the body fight infection.

  9. Vitamin C and antioxidants in addition to protecting the body chili, also repair wounds, maintain the strength of the teeth, bone, and cartilage.

  10. Level kepedesan chili calculated with a scale whose name SHU (Scoville Heat Units).

  11. Bhut Jolokia, until February 12, 2012 the hottest chili, also made into powder grenades stuffing materials in India.

  12. Spicy enormity of Bhut Jolokia has been perceived by top South Korean boy band, Super Junior in one reality show in the State Ginseng.

  13. According to the archaeologists, man has been using spicy like chili seasoning on their food more than six thousand years ago.

  14. Christopher Columbus discovered the chili when he discovered the Americas in the 15th century.

  15. Every August 19 is Hot and Spicy Food Day National in America.

  16. Why is it hot chili? Because chilies have capsaicin or substances spicy chili that it is only in chili.

  17. Capcaisin it is very easy to be perceived, despite its concentration in the food Cuma 1: 1000.000.

  18. Rice can relieve hot chili hands after processing. The trick: hand washing to clean, dry and then put his hand into the rice and knead.

  19. Cabe could grow freely in the yard and thrive in dry tropical regions at an altitude of 0.5 to 1250 m at sea level.

  20. Cabe could cope with frostbite or frostbite is often the case in the snowy heights. So in the days of the Dutch VOC first chili much sought after and sent to mainland Europe snowy.

  21. Vitamin C can cure canker sores chili, and is useful for maintaining oral health and digestion the body.

  22. Chilli is consumed regularly in normal capacity, will help speed up the process of digestion.

  23. Did you know that the hottest part of chili? Part chilli ribs and seeds are part terpedes. Can be 16x more spicy than the overall chili.

  24. Chili was really good for us. The chili is rich in vitamins, good source of beta carotene, calcium, potassium and can nurunin cholesterol.

  25. Many spicy foods bercabe has efficacy menyembuhkn and contain antimicrobial substances.

  26. chili, garlic, onion and oregano has proven to be ngebunuh bacteria and jadiin food safer for consumption.

  27. Time holds in particular that we have never met, better wear gloves. Because some of chilli oil can trigger allergic reactions.

  28. Cayenne pepper extract has the inhibition of the growth of the fungus Candida accuse Abicans, the fungus on the skin surface.

  29. antioxidants chili can be used to overcome infertility, aphrodisiac, and memperlmbt aging process.

  30. Capsaicin extract from red pepper spray used as a stuffing that is not lethal weapon.

  31. Chillies are rich in calcium and phosphorus which outperformed fresh fish.

  32. Overcoming spicy flavor in addition to dairy products can also berkasein products such as white rice n bread.

  33. Chili is also called the king's food, medicine and beauty treatments. Chilies are used as a basic ingredient of ointments and anti-cellulite.

  34. African Nations have called Zulu Zulu sauce Peri Peri. Without preservative made from chillies and tomatoes. This recipe has been handed down for 400 years.

  35. Chili can relieve nasal congestion due to colds and can capsaicin nasal mucus in the nose, making it watery and out.

  36. Chili can meringkan headaches and joint pain. Hot and spicy capsaicin induced delivery block pain signals from the central nervous system to the brain.

  37. Chili can increase blood flow and improve sexual performance of men.

  38. Some cultures have a habit of inserting chilli powder into shoes to make their feet warm.

  39. Italian Sauces made from tomato, garlic, olive oil does not miss the chili, salted fish is sometimes added. Spaghetti insert is imperative.

  40. The samurai often consume spicy foods bercabe before the fight because chili is believed to reduce fear.

  41. Red peppers contain vitamin C which is the highest, up to two-fold.

  42. Levels of beta-carotene superior red pepper with green pepper, 9 times greater.

  43. Most of the content of beta-carotene chili peppers are concentrated in the part near the skin.

  44. In Mexico, the soup is loaded with chilli is typical drugs used to eliminate the effects of a hangover.

  45. Chillies can be grown in the garden or balcony. Cabe just need sun, water every day and the high level of humidity.

  46. Chillies are related to close with eggplant, tomatoes and cherries, as chillies belong to the fruit.

  47. In areas of Africa and India, a liquid that contains chili sprayed onto the plants and the garden fence in order to avoid the attack of an elephant who likes to spoil plantation residents.

  48. Cabe can make food safer. Cabe is known to reduce bacteria in food.

  49. Tribal Ancient America such as the Maya, Inca, and Aztecs believed that chili has a mystical and supernatural powers.

  50. India is the largest producer and exporter of chilli in the world, 25% of the chilli in the world come from India n after it was Mexico.

Considering the facts about chili, moreover, if the chili is grown organically. Therefore, we planted chillies organically, without chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


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