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Simple Ways Growing Bhut Jolokia Organically

ZonaOrganik.Com - Simple Ways Growing Bhut Jolokia Organically - Planting Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) is fairly easy, as long as we are patient and painstaking. Be patient, because, dry Bhut Jolokia seeds it took 4-5 weeks to germinate (sprout). Painstaking, because before seeding, the medium should be sterilized of insects, snails, and other nuisance pests. Once grown, the media must be maintained so as not too dry or wet can cause stem rot in plants. Here are the steps we have to do to improve the percentage of successful germination of seeds.

Step 1:

Prior to sow seeds of Bhut Jolokia, which must be done is to prepare the planting medium for germination. This stage is very important because if the media used is not appropriate, then the seed can not germinate so failure to thrive.

First, we have to sterilize the media from insect/pest that can damage or eat the seeds.

Simple Ways Growing Bhut Jolokia Organically

The simplest way is sunning sterlisasi media with the sun for 3-4 days until the soil is completely dry and insect/pest is dead. Once dried, then sieved media. Madia composition used is 2.1.1, 2 parts soil, 1 part rice husk, and 1 part of manure.

Step 2:

After preparation media is complete, insert the media into a pot plant. The next step is putting the seed into the planting medium. Moisten the planting medium with water, by immersing half the pot body is loaded into the water. Take a few moments to wet media.

Good water is rainwater for watering because it is free chlorine. This is done so that the planting medium is not damaged and prevent excess water and reduce the effects of chlorine.

Make a hole as deep as 1 cm and place the Bhut Jolokia seeds, then cover with soil.

Step 3:

Place the pots containing the seedlings are somewhat shady place but remain exposed to sunlight. This is to prevent the media exposed direct flow of rainwater and that the media gets warmer temperatures appropriate to begin the germination process.

The process of seed germination Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) dried approximately 4-5 weeks. Meanwhile, if the fresh seeds (fresh), only takes 4-7 days for germination.

Step 4:

After growing 4-5 leaves, the seedlings are transferred to larger pots.

Routine maintenance we have to do is:

  1. Sprinkling

  2. fertilization

  3. and pest control.

To divide and take the Bhut Jolokia seeds, use plastic gloves so that the hand does not feel hot.


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