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The Third 50 Unique Facts of Chilli

ZonaOrganik.Com - The Third 50 Unique Facts of Chilli - A woman named Anandita.D. Tamuly origin Assam, India managed to register his name in the Guinness Book of Records by eating 51 pieces of Bhut Jolokia in just 2 minutes. Anandita record recording process was witnessed by the famous British chef Gordon Ramsay.

Scale Scoville Heat Units or SHU or Scoville Scale was invented by Wilbur Scoville in the early 20th century. A study in Singapore expressed consume chili in a reasonable amount on a regular basis can reduce the risk of gastric ulcers by 53%. Using chilli in the cooking process will enrich the flavor and give effect to 'kick' the refined cuisine. Two studies conducted in Australia provide good news for chili lovers. Consuming chili regularly can prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the blood. This means that the risk of hypertension can be reduced.

Chilli is a fruit that has many benefits. In fact, a lot of the benefits of the substances contained in chilli.

The Third 50 Unique Facts of Chilli

Here are 69 more facts of chilli:
  • 101. Indonesia is one country importing chillies from India. Besides Indonesia, USA, Canada, UK, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany and several other countries in the world are also importing chilli from India.
  • 102. Research University of Tasmania, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in July 2006 stating that after consuming the chilies, the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar levels after a meal, reduced by surprise as much as 60%.
  • 103. capsaicin or substances spicy chili also be an alternative antidote unpleasant side effects that occur in painkillers in general.
  • 104. Vivek Singh, an executive chef at The Cinnamon Club, an Indian restaurant in London suggest, "Do not ever eat a spicy meal on an empty stomach, always make sure your stomach is filled a little, though only with a piece of bread."
  • 105. Ian Rothwell (55) into a person capable of devouring 'Widower Curry', a super spicy curries are spicy reach 6,000,000 SHU. Widower Curry is served at Grantham's Bindi Indian Restaurant. This dish also contains 20 super Naga chilli Infinity. Kari also require special treatment when cooking. The chef had to wear glasses google and use a mask because this dish was too spicy and quite dangerous.
  • 106. Assist burning calories up to 25%.
  • 107. Some experts believe, chili can be a stimulant for the circulation. It helps to assist the body's digestive system, helps in the process of cleansing and detoxification, and promote excessive sweating, which is also good for detoxification
  • 108. Enthusiasts or 'addicts' chilli indirectly greatly enjoy' lepas'nya endorphin whenever consuming chillies
  • 109. History writes that in China, there is a special seasoning called Rayu or wilt, very popular in the world. Very popular restaurant generally in China, Korea, Japan, Mexico, and the Far East using this special seasoning. Persuasion is chilli mixed with vegetable oil, or sesame oil, and even vinegar. In addition to adding flavor processed food, it will also add to the nutritional value of these foods.
  • 110. The presumption that the chili seeds are the hottest part of the chilli is a misconception that is less precise. Part hottest chilli found in the placenta or some cotton sticks surrounded by a whole chillies. If the placenta is removed, then you can chew and eat chili without feeling a burning sensation or extreme heat, coupled with the sweet sensation like the fruits.
  • 111. When chilies are dried and hardened, the placenta usually tend to rupture, evaporate, and stick to the skin and seeds chili. Therefore spicy chili will settle different when still fresh chilli.
  • 112. Choose fresh chili that has a solid color, clear and visible radiant and toned skin. Select also the end of the shaft has a rather loud and fresh. Avoid choosing a wrinkled chili, has a soft and stained black.
  • 113. According to the website there are five menu hotelclub.com hottest food in the world, namely in the first sequence is Shrimp Cocktail in St. Elmo Steak House, Indiana, 2. Phall Curry, Pork Vindaloo 3., 4. Sichuan Hot-Pot, and 5. Pad Prik Neua (Thai Pepper Steak)
  • 114. World divinecaroline.com stated that likes spicy foods is not innate or arise simply from within oneself, but of how many people are exposed to these foods and culture. Thus the resistance of one's tongue to spicy flavor obtained from the 'exercise for the sake of practice'.
  • 115. The taste spicy hot flavor is actually not true, but the irritation. Capsaicin chili or spicy substances is the cause of heartburn irritation.
  • 116. Spicy enthusiasts or people who are accustomed to eating spicy foods consciously or not, will always want to try a more spicy foods and spicy. As if to test the limit or restrain the power limit spicy. And it is precisely this makes the level of tolerance to spicy flavor tongue is increasing.
  • 117. For art Padang cuisine, chili and even considered a "staple food" to ten (instead of nine). Very difficult for Padang cuisine made without chili.
  • 118. Chilli is one of the many vegetable crops cultivated by farmers in Indonesia because it has a high selling price.
  • 119. One of the major constraints in the system chilli production in Indonesia is an attack on the fruit fly chilies. These pests often cause crop failure. Ministry of Agriculture report in 2006 showed that the damage to crops cultivated in Indonesia can reach 35%.
  • 120. Fruit chili attacked or Bactrocera fruit flies carambolae often appear healthy and intact from the outside but when viewed in it rot and contain the larvae of flies.
  • 121. Because the initial symptoms are not apparent, while the pest is spreading is still limited in Indonesia, fruit flies become a feared pest quarantine so that it can become an obstacle to the export of fruits as well as in the production of chili.
  • 122. A source noted that from 12 to 17 century, spicy oriental is a commodity that has value in the biggest profit European spice trade.
  • 123. There is no absolute prohibition for pregnant women to consume chili. Similarly, for women who are menstruating, remain legitimate if it wants to consume chili. But keep in mind not also be excessive.
  • 124. There is a type of chili called 'banana pepper "because of the shape and color that resembles a banana. Cabe this type usually is often used as a pickle.
  • 125. If you would like to make their own dried chili, fresh chili choose themselves. Do not buy chili that has been wrapped or placed in a container ready to be purchased. By choosing fresh chilli itself, we can choose the chili one by one with a more thorough
  • 126. If you want to buy dried chillies in the market, choose the color of dried chilies tend to be uniform, the skin is not broken, still slightly flexible, and the skin does not have spotting
  • 127. A study suggests eating foods that have a slightly spicy taste alone can help improve sleep quality. Thus we can wake up feeling more refreshed.
  • 128. Chili contains many good sources of vitamins and minerals, but the chili did not have cholesterol.
  • 129. Two teaspoons chili powder supplying 6% Vitamin C and more than 10% of vitamin A in one day.
  • 130. Vitamin A in chillies also referred to as anti-infective vitamin.
  • 131. Vitamin A in chillies that have anti-infective function as the first barrier pathogenic bacteria that typically enter the human body.
  • 132. Capsaicin or spicy substance in chili is a natural antioxidant and helps to protect against disease caused by the toxin.
  • 133. A recent study conducted by the WHO indicates that countries that have a lot of capsaicin in their daily diet showed a significant reduction in cancer deaths. This can be compared with countries that consume fewer capsaicin content in their food.
  • 134. Capsaicin in chillies can also inhibit the growth of bacteria H. plyori, a bacterium that can cause ulcers.
  • 135. In addition to rich in vitamins and minerals, chili is also rich in fiber which is good for digestion.
  • 136. A woman named Anandita.D. Tamuly origin Assam, India managed to register his name in the Guinness Book of Records by eating 51 pieces of Bhut Jolokia in just 2 minutes. Anandita record recording process was witnessed by the famous British chef Gordon Ramsay.
  • 137. Scale Scoville Heat Units or SHU or Scoville Scale was invented by Wilbur Scoville in the early 20th century.
  • 138. A study in Singapore expressed consume chili in a reasonable amount on a regular basis can reduce the risk of gastric ulcers by 53%.
  • 139. Using chilli in the cooking process will enrich the flavor and give effect to 'kick' the refined cuisine.
  • 140. Two studies conducted in Australia provide good news for chili lovers. Consuming chili regularly can prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the blood. This means that the risk of hypertension can be reduced.
  • 141. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Blend, chilli derived from Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago have turned out to have been established as the hottest chilli in the world in February 2012.
  • 142. Chili Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Blend has a spicy scale of 2,009,231 SHU.
  • 143. Chili Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Blend has soft fruit flavors with spicy and sweet combinations sensation.
  • 144. From January to July is the right time if you want to plant a seed Cabe Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Blend in the area of ​​North America.
  • 145. Sensation Chili Blend Trinidad Moruga Scorpion has a unique spicy sensation. Cabe is like having spicy sensation that increasingly awakened. So spicy, more spicy, more spicy, more spicy and more. Very challenging!
  • 146. Series of chili longest in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records is 1,395 m long made by residents Suncheon, South Korea. The circuit is made of 29 037 cayenne red pepper. Around 2,533 citizens of Suncheon, participating in the world record carve. The record was recorded on October 11, 2008.
  • 147. An area in China, named Sichuan besides famous for its abundant chili result, it also has a unique culinary named Sichuan Chicken treated with so much chili that is so favored because it is spicy steady.
  • 148. Turns handsome actor Tom Cruise is too spicy foodies. Cruise with family and colleagues visited Indian restaurants in St. Albans named Veer Dhara some time ago. Moreover, if not hunt very spicy culinary recommended in that restaurant.
  • 149. Rice Jinggo, unique culinary Bali is one of the traditional culinary lovers can indulge tongue spicy taste sensation. A plate of rice Jinggo contain only a handful of rice, shredded chicken or beef, tempeh into small pieces, serundeng, and chili, which is then wrapped in a conical taper. Those who are not strong spicy sauces should not try to eat too much.
  • 150. Indonesia has so many culinary tasty and exotic. Indonesia was also known for a variety of culinary spicy, especially processed sauce. Typical Indonesian sambal like, plecing sauce, onion sauce, chili overlap, charcoal condiment, sambal Dabu-Dabu, pecel sauce, chili paste, chili kotokan, and many others.
  • 151. An archaeologist named Titi Surti Nastiti stated that at the time of the ancient Javanese chili has become a commodity trade directly sold. In fact, according Nastiti the Ramayana text of the 10th century, chili also been cited as one example of the kind of food meal
    152. Because so love the spicy flavor, Sundanese people generally planted various kinds of chilies and peppers in their yard or garden. So that at any time can make a sauce to be eaten together
  • 153. In the Dutch East Indies colonial era in Indonesia, the slaves during the VOC adept at making sambal get a 'special' because it favored the employer. It could be 'market price' they become quite high
  • 154. Typical food Manado, Banana Colo-Colo is a unique dish fried banana dipped in sauce roa typical Manado.
  • 155. Fresh Chili is chili is best used for cooking. Strong skin is not easily disintegrate when cooked. Poblano chilies are very well known because of its ability to survive when heated skin
  • 156. Chili ranks second only to salt in order of the most widely consumed foods in the world.
  • 157. Nations first Mexican chilies hung with a variety of colors in the trunk of their Christmas tree
  • 158. Red Hot Chili Peppers, a rock band from Los Angeles, USA uses a unique name. They use that name because it describes the energy and thrill
  • 159. Until now, it is unknown who made "create" the first time chilli powder
  • 160. Sweat trickled usually when we eat spicy food it is caused by the mechanism of the brain that tell your body to lower the temperature. Capsaicin is sending signals to the brain when the body is overheated.
  • 161. When someone spiciness often face became red, especially in the cheeks. It happened because the hypothalamus sends signals to the dilation of blood circulation that is located below the skin surface. Dilation in the blood circulation removes heat so that the result of the body temperature decreases. Therefore, facial flushing sensation is more of the body's response to capsaicin that goes into our bodies.
  • 162. Oseng-oseng firecrackers, food was known to be quite popular in Yogyakarta. Stir-oseng is blended with spicy recipe of red chili sauce with a ratio of five kilograms of meat and red chili sauce one kilogram, so it will feel spicy to enjoy tongue.
  • 163. Fresh Chilli is highly perishable. Therefore buy the right amount of chilli in accordance with the need not to be wasted.
  • 164. To avoid the risk of wasting chili because it has been damaged by the long unused, can use chili or chili powder and dried.
  • 165. Chilli powder, chilli flakes or dried retains the spicy taste delicious and good. Precisely the excess chili that has undergone natural drying process like this makes it easy to mold, so it can last longer and not easily damaged.
  • 166. Chili including garden plants easily developed. There is also a good idea if it is often used in processed food chili, can grow it yourself in the yard of the house or using pot.
  • 167. Mixing chili in dishes that use spices, or eating antioxidant rich ingredients such as vegetables and fruits will increase the benefits
  • 168. In conclusion, processed foods contain a variety of spices and seasonings spicy consumed in reasonable amounts is not only delicious, but also good for health
  • 169. Professor of Health named Jeejeebhoy from the University of Toronto stated that no study has claimed eating spicy foods are harmful to your stomach. Instead eat foods that have a spicy flavor being is to enjoy the taste and benefits.

Considering the facts about chili, moreover, if the chili is grown organically. Therefore, we planted chillies organically, without chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


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